  • ROLL WITH ME Steel Rollator w/6  Wheels  K/D  Blue  Case/2

    ROLL WITH ME Steel Rollator w/6 Wheels K/D Blue Case/2

    Knock down steel rollator with easy and simple tool free assembly * Blue * Case/2 * Durable steel frame * Ergonomic hand grips feature loop-lock brakes for simple braking and control * Adjustable handle height from 31 to 37 for a customized fit * The padded seat sand backrest provides comfort when the user is seated * A large storage pouch under the seat is included for simple acces to personal belongings * Folds almost flat when not in use making it easy to stow when traveling * For indoor and outdoor use * Wheel size: 6 inch * Weight: 17 Lbs * Weight Capacity: 350 Lbs. * Warranty: 2 years * BJ210115 Hold My Drink Deluxe Multi-Direction Beverage Holder is the ideal accessory for this (and every) rollator *

    Average lead time for shipping: 130 + days.

    • $229.15